TouchSend Tools Order Form TouchSend Tools are comprised of the tools demonstrated here. TouchSend Index is a Hierarchical Index Listbox. The Index and the Tools are sold separately. Pricing for TouchSend tools is $279 per development machine, and $279 for each commercial title. Commercial titles that are updated require a further payment but not more than once per year. Except for the title fee, there are no runtime charges and no royalties. There are no additional charges for inhouse use or for noncommerical titles. There are no additional charges for networks or wide area networks. Please include $7.95 for shipping and handling for each order. Florida residents add 7% sales tax. Yes - Send me TouchSend Tools and/or TouchSend Index: Name: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Attention: ___________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________ State: __________ Postal Code: __________ Phone: ___________________________________________________________ Date : ___________________________________________________________ TouchSend Tools ____ copies x $279.00 __________ TouchSend Index ____ copies x $129.00 __________ Shipping and Handling $ 7.95 Florida Residents add 7% sales tax __________ Total __________ ____ Send me information on TsVBTools The Visual Basic Viewer Toolkit Phone 904-668-6180 Fax 904-668-5352 Address 1904 Chatsworth Way, Tallahassee, Fl 32308 CompuServe 73374,2071 TouchSend is a registered Trademark of TouchSend Corporation used under licence by TouchSend Management Consulting Inc.